Tim’s services.

  • Strength Training

    Become stronger through progressive resistance training. Increase your energy levels, metabolism, bone & joint health, and overall mental well-being. Empower yourself and feel stronger.

  • Body Recomposition

    Lose fat, gain muscle, or do both at the same time. Feel better when you look in the mirror. Be confident about how you present yourself to the world, and proud of how you look.

  • Athletic Enhancement

    Increase speed, stamina, explosiveness, balance, and other athletic qualities. Train to get better at a specific sport, or to be more generally fit and functional.

  • Injury Prevention

    Eliminate muscular or structural weaknesses throughout your body. Reduce nagging pains, imbalances, and the likelihood of injury. Fix your posture, and learn proper movement mechanics.

  • Boxing/Kickboxing

    Learn the basics of Boxing and/or Kickboxing. Improve your confidence while having fun and breaking a sweat. Embrace martial arts and become better prepared in a self-defense scenario.

  • Mobility & Flexiblity

    Increase the range of motion in your joints and the flexibility of your muscles. Become more supple, loose, relaxed, and tension-free. Clear your mind with the meditative qualities of stretching.

When working with Tim, you always get his full, undivided attention. He'll always give you his best.
That’s a guarantee.

1-on-1 Personal Training

Sessions are completely catered to your individual needs. There’s no cookie-cutter programs, there’s only what’s best for YOU.

A qualified trainer such as Tim provides you with maximal effectiveness and safety, ensuring you don’t waste your time doing useless or even harmful exercises.

Tim will motivate you, keep you accountable, help you push through challenges, and break limits. Together you will work towards your goals.

At the end of the day, having a good personal trainer means having someone who wants you to win by your side.

Find out more about Tim’s
core values and beliefs


1x Session: 65€

10x Sessions: 600€ (7.7% discount)

15x Sessions: 875€ (10.2% discount)

20x Sessions: 1100€ (15.4% discount)

(every training is 1 hour)

Services: in depth

  • Resistance training, usually lifting weights or your own bodyweight - is the best the way to get strong. Together with Tim, you will learn the correct techniques to various resistance exercises so you can get stronger in a safe, effective manner.

    “Strength is rarely a weakness.“

  • Many people are unhappy with how their body looks, often because of having too much body fat and too little muscle mass.

    This type of body composition can have negative effects on both your mental well-being and physical health.

    Tim helps you work on your overall physical appearance & health by incorporating exercises that burn calories, grow muscle, and make you fitter.

    Bonus tip:

    • The more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolism is. That is why long-term, the best way to lose fat is to gain muscle!!

  • Correctly structured resistance training reduces your likelihood of injuring yourself in your sport, and also improves your performance.

    Whether you bike, run, play football, golf, tennis, or any other sport, a workout catered specifically to your needs and sport can take you to the next level.

    You don’t have to be a pro athlete to be athletic. Even if you don’t play any sports, and just want to be fit and healthy, incorporating athletic & functional exercises into your regimen is a sure-fire way to stay on top of your game.

    Athletic qualities include speed, endurance, strength, coordination, balance, agility, power, etc.

  • How many normal, day-to-day people eventually run into an injury in their middle ages, or currently have at least one chronic physical pain?

    The answer is far too many.

    Our modern bad habits, such as being sedentary, inactive, having poor posture, on top of getting too little sleep and having poor nutrition, are by far the main culprits.

    When injured, most will seek out a doctor or physical therapist, to treat what is already messed up.

    With Tim, you actually work on preventing the issue, not treating it after it’s never happened.

  • Tim also offers lessons in Boxing and/or Kickboxing. Duration is also 60 minutes

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