The Neck Training Bible 101 (Copy)

What if I told you there’s something that can make you sexier, stronger, and more injury resilient?

What if it could help you land your next date, save you from getting knocked out, or help you win a sports competition?

What if I told you that it could literally save your life?

What if it’s basically free, and you’d only need to invest 10-20 minutes once or twice a week to see great results?

Now… what if I told you that almost nobody knows about it?

Interested yet?

Well, let me tell you all you need to do:

Train your NECK.

Yes, that’s right.

And this blog will show you everything you need to bring your neck training to the next level.


Before we start, this is how this blog will be structured:

Section #1: WHY train your neck?

  • Preventing Injury
  • Increasing Attraction
  • Improving Performance

Section #2: HOW to train your neck.

  • Who is neck training for?
  • How to safely train your neck
  • Which exercises, rep/set ranges, frequency, etc. to use

Section #1: WHY

Preventing Injury

Did you know that your neck has more than 20 muscles??

These neck muscles range from the base of your skull to your shoulder blades, and from your jaw down to your collar bone, and their purpose is to support and stabilize your head and cervical spine.

Your neck is literally what connects your skull to the rest of your body.

And check out what a study from the Journal of Prevention found out:

“For every one pound increase in neck strength, odds of concussion decreased by 5%.”

5 freaking percent for every pound gained….insane!!!

So, why would you care?

Increasing Attractiveness

Humans, no matter how much we like to forget it, after all, are still animals. In order for their species to survive, animals need to reproduce. For the best chance of successfully creating offspring, mates look for certain things in the other mates.
Males want females to be physically attractive, i.e. larger breasts, big hips (waist-to-hip ratio), youthful appearance, etc. to be healthy
Females want males to be physically strong, i.e. broad shoulders, narrow waist (waist-to-shoulder ratio), strong jawline, bigger muscles, etc.
This is natural selection 101. Simply put, on average, males want feminine traits in women, females want masculine traits in men. 
No matter what your personal beliefs are, this is evolution, and biology cannot be changed. It took hundreds of thousands of years for our brains to be hard-wired for survival, and even though our society has changed enormously since our creation, our brains haven’t.

Let's take this a step further, and look at the nature of prey vs. predator.
Predators kill and eat other animals. 
Prey are killed and eaten by other animals.
That’s literally the exact definition of predator and prey. And guess what? The human is the apex predator.
If we take this even a step further: how do predators kill their prey?
There are many ways, but a virtually universal point of attack in all animals is, you guessed it…. the neck.
The neck has major arteries like the carotid artery, which supplies blood to the brain, spinal cord, and windpipe. This is largely why the neck is the weakest and most vulnerable point of all land animals. It is where animals attack to get an instant kill. 
The neck is literally what connects your head to the rest of your body. You can live without an arm, you can live without a foot or a leg, but you can't live without your head... and no neck=no head. 
Your neck is of utmost importance to your survival. 
So, we've established that not only do mates look for certain traits in other mates, but humans are predators, and predators also look for certain traits in prey.
Having a big, strong neck as a male not only shows that you are a good fit as a mate, but also that you are not to be messed with. 

What if I told you that doing “X“ would make you sexier, stronger, and more resistant to getting knocked out?

You’re probably looking for the “SIGN ME UP“ button just about now… Well, here it is:

Train your NECK.

Yes, you heard that right…

will divide this Blog into 2 Sections: The WHY and The HOW

Under The WHY, we will discuss:

  1. Preventing Concussions/Injuries

  2. Increasing Attractiveness

  3. Improving Performance

Under The HOW, we will look into:

  1. How to safely train your neck

  2. Which exercises, set/rep ranges, frequency, etc. to use

So, let’s get into it…

Section #1: WHY

Have you ever even seen someone train their neck at your gym before?

Probably not.

But, as history has proven, just because the majority does or believes something doesn’t necessarily mean they’re right.

Hell, for multiple centuries people thought the earth was flat, and even as recent as during the 1950’s larger parts of society accepted cigarette smoking as normal, with doctors even endorsing smoking as having health benefits…

So why are still so few people training their necks? Most people are either just not educated enough to work out their neck musculature, or are simply too embarrassed to perform some “silly-looking“ neck exercises at a public gym.

Did you know that your neck has more than 20 muscles??

So why would you not train them?

And check out what a study from the Journal of Prevention found out:

“For every one pound increase in neck strength, odds of concussion decreased by 5%.”

5 freaking percent for every pound gained….insane!!!

So, why would you care?

A thicker, stronger neck correlates to lower likelihood of being concussed. Shocker, right!!

Predators vs. Prey

Big neck, looks more robust, "harder to kill"

Car accident story

Why you should train your neck

(attractiveness, concussion likelihood reduction,

How to train your neck

(exercises, how often,

Neck training at least 1x per week, if possible 2x. Neck curls/flexion is a must, neck extension/side work important too (but not as important). If possible use bands, or purchase Neck Flex or Iron Neck. Start off light, high reps, body weight only. Slowly progress.

The underrated path

Fun Fact: C1 (first vertebrae) is called Atlas, named after Atlas from Greek Mythology, who held the world on his shoulders.


The Neck Training Bible 101